


Launch January 2006 - After 5 years of research on Brazilian music, it was in 2005 that Renato Velasco completed a very important method in his work as a guitar teacher. In January 2006, Editions Henry Lemoine published his first guitar method, "The Brazilian guitar". It is based on the study of traditional Brazilian rhythms and composed of texts briefly presenting the history of popular music. It reveals the different genres typical of each region with examples of more than a hundred rhythmics for the guitar. You will discover typical of the south-east: bossa, samba and choro ..., to the north-east the baião, the frevo, the afoxé ..., to the north the carimbó, the lambada ..., to the south : la rancheira, le chamamé .... At the end of the method, you will benefit from a chord dictionary and a synoptic table with the harmonic and melodic characteristics. This method is based on traditional music using sheet music and CD recordings. These musics are taught in oral tradition but I chose to put them in writing on stave to facilitate access to certain musicians.
Each rhythm is recorded with guitar and percussion instruments. Then, the same sound recording is repeated with the accompaniment of the percussions alone, in order to practice.

Many thanks to Dada Viana who did an excellent job regarding the recording of the percussions on the accompaniments. This book is intended for popular musicians, classical guitar musicians and anyone who wants to learn or progress through a methodology that shows the secrets of the Brazilian guitar. This method will contribute to the evolution of learning the Brazilian guitar and that it will be an open door for eager and passionate guitarists.
Description of the work:
Publication in 2006, Ed. Henry Lemoine / Support - Score CD / Instrumentation: Guitar and play-back with percussion
Language - French and English / Spiral binding - Number of pages - 102 pages / more than 100 rhythms.
Sale: Editions Henry Lemoine New paragraph
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Brazilian Guitar Book
by Patrick Guillem

Compositeur: Collectif
Instrument : Pour 1 ou 2 guitares
Commentaire : L’univers de la musique brésilienne est d’une grande richesse. Ce recueil lui rend hommage par l’écriture de compositions aux styles et aux esthétiques très diverses.
Niveau : (3 à 7/8) Assez facile à difficile

Nous avons deux compositions de Renato Velasco dans ce recueil :
Embolada da sogra et Choromingando.

Recueil de guitare "Autour de la Valse"

Compositeur: Collectif
Instrument : Pour 1 à 4 guitares
Commentaire : Ce recueil présente la valse sous divers aspects esthétiques. Les compositeurs ayant participé à la réalisation de cet ensemble de pièces sont d'univers variés et originaux, allant de la valse classique à la valse contemporaine, en passant par le jazz et la musette. Trois temps aux multiples facettes rythmiques et illuminés des couleurs différents.
Niveau : moyen

Musique de Renato Velasco: Prélude -Valse

Méthode de Percussion de Paul Mindy - Initiation aux percussion du Brésil

Plusieurs compostions de Renato Velasco et Paul Mindy sont éditées dans ce livre.

C’est une excellente méthode pour l’introduction aux percussions brésiliennes. Paul Mindy, auteur de cette méthode, est un excellent pédagogue et un très bon musicien. Un des Français qui a décidé de transmettre ses réflexions sur les instruments de percussion après avoir fait une grande recherche au Brésil.

Renato Velasco a eu le plaisir de participer à cette méthode en jouant et composant cinq  musiques avec l'auteur.
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